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Seiten: [1]
Fragen zu Ban's auf RBK-Servern / Sorry for the post here about Ban
« am: Juli 02, 2006, 19:52:06 Nachmittag »
I'm sorry if i post ehere about my ban, but i don't speak german, i hope someone of you speak english.
I was banned from the server where we play midway only, yhe old one not the new one, frankly speaking i don't know exactly the reasons, i respect every rule, if i was wrong in some way please can you tell me?
I like to play midwa, and specially on your server, i would like to ask what i have to do about unban me, now it's long time, more than 2 weeks. Normally now i play on the new midway server and i wasn't banned for 2 weeks, so i don't understand why after 1 day i was banned from the old server.

P.S. By the way it is possible to put english translation on your websiteas well?  :P

Seiten: [1]